Q-Workshop|恐怖骷髏 Dice Macabre|7入套骰|米底洗棕色|TRPG

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Power of the Underworld. 
Dice Macabre is an innovative design of 3D dice shaped from dozens of tiny skulls. 
This regular-sized set contains 7 pieces: D4, D6, D8, D10, D00, D12, and D20.
Dice Macabre 是一種創新設計的 3D 骰子,由數十個小頭骨組成。
此常規尺寸套裝包含 7 件:D4、D6、D8、D10、D00、D12 和 D20。

Dice are made of beige resin, washed brownish to make the details more exquisite. 
The letters are visible, easy to paint them if need be.

Product description
Dice Macabre Dice Set

We heard you like bones.
We like ‘em too, white, free of meaty sinew (we’re vegan-friendly, yess!), polished, and nicely carved. And skulls! Skulls are even better. 
Roundy and toothy, thicky and shiny, and spacy - to contain immensely dark forces for us to command! 
We mean, for you, yess…
還有骷髏!頭骨更好。圓滾滾的牙齒,厚實的閃亮,寬大的 - 包含我們可以指揮的巨大黑暗力量!

These artifacts harness the energies of the Underworld to do your bidding, yess. 
Remember: even with the tiniest piece of Dice Macabre you get to be one of us, fellow Necromancer, and you can challenge the Fate-being. 
The more exquisite the Dice Macabre is, the more powerful you become, so give them colors if you dare!
請記住:即使是最微小的 Dice Macabre,您也可以成為我們中的一員,死靈法師,您可以挑戰命運。 
Dice Macabre 越精緻,你就會變得越強大,所以如果你敢的話,給它們顏色吧!

Thanks to nearly-forgotten knowledge of the Underworld, we were able to call upon your collective energies to create this artifact. 
We piled the resin skulls together and shaped them into polyhedral dice. 
We sent our loyal skeletons so they could put digits on, washed them brownish, and made them amenable to give each Necromancer the tool he or she needs. 
And the details! 
Look into the empty eyes of each skull, see the darkness in there, expect it to stare back at you!

No matter if you use it with an avatar of a dark hero, a great magus, a death cleric, a fallen paladin, a wild barbarian, or anything else… 
This artifact will be there to help you nonetheless, fellow Necromancer! 
Dice Macabre is capable of holding and harnessing the mystical powers, and we made them malleable to your will. 
It’s yours to command and may change the destiny to your liking, yess!
Dice Macabre 能夠持有和利用神秘的力量,我們讓它們可以按照你的意願進行塑造。

Challenge the Fate-being!

When using these artifacts, you harness the power of the Underworld for you to command. 
But we need more. More! MORE SKULLS! 
We heap them in a pile, yess, we shape them nice and pretty, we give them digits to fool the Fate-being! 
There is no other set like this, and it’s all for you, fellow Necromancer!
使用這些神器時,您可以利用冥界的力量進行指揮。 但我們需要更多。 
更多的! 更多的頭骨! 我們把它們堆成一堆,是的,我們把它們塑造得漂亮漂亮,我們給它們數字來愚弄命運!

Three dimensions — These artifacts are not flat, oh no… each angle you look at it from, you will see how tiny skulls pop out of the surface.
三維——這些神器不是平面的,哦 不……你從每個角度看它,你都會看到微小的頭骨從表面彈出。



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