Q-Workshop|神話 Mythical|7入套骰|異材質金屬骰 Hybrid Dice|TRPG|鑲嵌

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**Mythical Hybrid Greek Dice: Olympus**
The mountain of gods.
The Mythical Hybrid Dice: Olympus is a set of 7 polyhedral dice (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, D100) 
made in the technology of merging white & blue colored composite inserts into a solid metal base. 
Each dice represents a different god from ancient Greece mythology, whose symbol is visible on its highest face, placed in frames of ornamental patterns.
Based on facts – The Mythical Hybrid Dice: Olympus is designed and manufactured by Q WORKSHOP in Poland, EU.

**Mythical Hybrid Greek Dice: Elysium**
The Demigods’ Respite.
The Mythical Hybrid Dice: Elysium is a set of 7 polyhedral dice (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, D100) 
made in the technology of merging black & orange colored composite inserts into a solid metal base. 
Each dice represents a different god from ancient Greece mythology, whose symbol is visible on its highest face, placed in frames of ornamental patterns.
Based on facts – The Mythical Hybrid Dice: Elysium is designed and manufactured by Q WORKSHOP in Poland, EU.

**Mythical Hybrid Viking Dice: Midgard**
The Realm of Men. 
The Mythical Hybrid Dice: Midgard is a set of 7 polyhedral dice (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, D100)
made in the technology of merging shaded wooden composite inserts into a solid metal base. 
Each dice represents a different feature of the Norse god Odin; their symbols are visible on the highest faces, placed in frames of ornamental patterns.
Based on facts — The Mythical Hybrid Dice: Midgard is designed and produced by Q WORKSHOP in Poland, EU.

**Mythical Hybrid Dice Viking: Asgard**
The Realm of Æsir. 
The Mythical Hybrid Dice: Asgard is a set of 7 polyhedral dice (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, D100) 
made in the technology of merging black & gold composite inserts into a solid metal base. 
Each dice represents a different feature of the Norse god Odin; their symbols are visible on the highest faces, placed in frames of ornamental patterns.
Based on facts — The Mythical Hybrid Dice: Asgard is designed and produced by Q WORKSHOP in Poland, EU.


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