Q-Workshop|巫師 狼 The Witcher Wolf|7入套骰|異材質金屬骰 Hybrid Dice|TRPG|鑲嵌|獵魔士

庫存狀況 現貨



The Witcher Hybrid Dice Set - Wolf

Hybrid Dice merging two different materials is a technology that was first used in The Witcher Hybrid Dice campaign on the Kickstarter platform.
Thanks to the extraordinary commitment of the backers, this project was funded in less than 24 hours. 
Many amazing accessories and dice designs were also unlocked during the campaign, and we are proud to present some of them to you now!

**Golem's Heart**
A new technology — The dice material is a metal base merged with composite.
Basics of Alchemy — The inserts are colored black with gold engravings.
Full gear — The set includes 7 pieces: D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D2-, and D00.
A pinch of simple magic — Engravings on the inserts depict witcher signs and the associated elemental effects.
Straight from Kaer Morhen — The highest faces of the dice displays the Wolf School symbol.
嶄新技術: 骰子材質採用金屬底座與複合材料融合而成。
煉金術基礎: 內嵌物為黑色,並刻有金色圖案。
完整配件: 套組包含7件:D4、D6、D8、D10、D12、D2-和D00。
一絲簡單魔法: 內嵌物上的圖案描繪了巫師符號和相關的元素效果。
直接來自凱爾莫罕: 骰子最高面顯示狼派符號。
Material    Metal & composite hybrid
Dice quantity    7
Dice color    Silver
Composite color    Black & gold

A new technology — The dice material is a metal base merged with composite.
Basics of Alchemy — The inserts are colored black with copper engravings.
Full gear — The set includes 7 pieces: D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D2-, and D00.
A pinch of simple magic — Engravings on the inserts depict witcher signs and the associated elemental effects.
Straight from Kaer Morhen — The highest faces of the dice displays the Wolf School symbol.
嶄新技術: 骰子材質採用金屬底座與複合材料融合而成。
煉金術基礎: 內嵌物為黑色,並刻有銅製圖案。
完整配件: 套組包含7件:D4、D6、D8、D10、D12、D2-和D00。
一絲簡單魔法: 內嵌物上的圖案描繪了巫師符號和相關的元素效果。
直接來自凱爾莫罕: 骰子最高面顯示狼派符號。
Material    Metal & composite hybrid
Dice quantity    7
Dice color    Silver
Composite color    Black & copper

A new technology — The dice material is a metal base merged with wooden inserts.
Basics of Alchemy — The inserts are in a color of light wood, while the engravings are darker.
Full gear — The set includes 7 pieces: D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D2-, and D00.
A pinch of simple magic — Engravings on the inserts depict witcher signs and the associated elemental effects.
Straight from Kaer Morhen — The highest faces of the dice displays the Wolf School symbol.
嶄新技術: 骰子材質採用金屬底座與木製內嵌物融合而成。
煉金術基礎: 內嵌物呈現淺木色,而刻紋則較深色。
完整配件: 套組包含7件:D4、D6、D8、D10、D12、D2-和D00。
一絲簡單魔法: 內嵌物上的圖案描繪了巫師符號和相關的元素效果。
直接來自凱爾莫罕: 骰子最高面顯示狼派符號。
Material    Metal & wood hybrid
Dice quantity    7
Dice color    Silver
Digits and ornamentation    Laser engraved


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