Q-Workshop|生日快樂 20 years: Happy Birthday|8入套骰|TRPG|20周年第3款

2024年為Q WORKSHOP的20周年

庫存狀況 現貨

20 years: Happy Birthday Dice Set

Celebrate with Us!
Join us in commemorating 20 years of innovation, creativity, and unforgettable stories. 
The Q WORKSHOP 20 Years: Happy Birthday Dice Set includes 8 polyhedrons in a limited edition, designed for our anniversary. 
Golden engravings on white material mixed with glitter display celebration motifs for various occasions. 
The runic font of the numbers is full of sentimental charm.
Q WORKSHOP 20周年紀念:生日快樂骰子組合 包含8顆限量版的多面骰子,專為我們的周年紀念設計。

SSKU: S20Y03
EAN: 5907699497270
Material    Plastic
Dice quantity    8
Dice color    Shimmering white 閃耀白
Painting color    Gold 金

Product description
Q WORKSHOP 20 Years: Happy Birthday Dice Set

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, we are proud to present the Happy Birthday Dice Set! 
This limited edition pays tribute to two decades of Q Workshop. The set features a pure and elegant color scheme of gold embellishments on a white, glitter-infused base, symbolizing our commitment to excellence and aesthetics cherished by our fans.
這款限量版組合向Q Workshop的兩個十年致敬。整套骰子以金色點綴在閃粉白色基底上,象徵著我們對卓越品質和美學的堅持,這也是我們粉絲們所珍視的。

Since its inception, Q Workshop has been synonymous with quality and innovation in the world of dice and RPG accessories. 
This anniversary set encapsulates our journey, adorned with festive elements like balloons, presents, cakes, birthday songs, flags, party horns, and fireworks.
 These symbols of celebration are intertwined with classic runic digits, known from one of our oldest designs and still popular worldwide.
自成立以來,Q Workshop在骰子和RPG配件的世界中一直是品質與創新的代名詞。

The Q WORKSHOP 20 Years: Happy Birthday Dice Set is not just for our anniversary. 
Its universal design makes it a perfect gift for birthdays and other special occasions, allowing your loved ones to enjoy the beauty and craftsmanship of Q Workshop dice.
Q WORKSHOP 20周年紀念:生日快樂骰子組合不僅僅是我們的周年紀念品。
它的通用設計使其成為生日和其他特別場合的完美禮物,讓您的親友可以享受Q Workshop骰子的美麗與工藝。

A Tribute to Two Decades
20 Years of Craftsmanship— The set includes 8 dice: D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, and D100, as well as traditional and modern versions of D4.
20 Years of Celebration— The dice feature a white background infused with glitter dust, with golden paintings.
20 Years of Excellence— The intricately crafted runic digits commemorate our journey and the special moments shared with our community.
20 Years of Memories— Celebration-themed engravings highlight the craftsmanship of Q Workshop.
20 Years of Stories— The Q WORKSHOP 20 Years: Happy Birthday Dice Set is produced in Poland, EU.
20年的回憶——以慶典為主題的雕刻凸顯了Q Workshop的精湛工藝。
20年的故事——Q WORKSHOP 20周年紀念:生日快樂骰子組合在歐盟波蘭生產。

In each of our anniversary sets, you will find a special sticker.
After collecting all, please send them to us. You will receive a special figurine. 
The virtual versions (VTT) of the sets are not included in the promotion. More information in the policies.


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