Q-Workshop|骰盅|皮革骰盅 Dragon Dice Cup|龍系列

庫存狀況 現貨


**Dragonhide Laminated Dice Cup(圖一)**


EAN: 5907699495535

Material Leather

Height ~8.5 cm / ~3.34 inches

Diameter ~5.5 cm / ~2.16 inches

Primary color White 白色 

Secondary color Black 黑色

Product description

This cup has sophisticated design, as the imprint on real leather is laminated and resembles black snake skin of an ancient wyrm. Each cup and lid is handmade with great patience and loving skill. The separate parts are sewn together with durable string in matching color. Our Dice Cup is specifically designed to keep your dice safe in any circumstances. It has been tested with three full sets of dice and all of them fit perfectly!


**Flying Dragon Black & red Leather Dice Cup(圖二)**


EAN: 5907699493333

Material Leather

Height ~8.5 cm / ~3.34 inches

Diameter ~5.5 cm / ~2.16 inches

Primary color Black 黑色

Secondary color Red 紅色

Product description

This cup has been hand-crafted from the thick hide of a black dragon. 

The creatures‘ natural resistance to magic carries to the item, so magic practitioners are sure to find many uses for it. 

Just bear in mind, that you may attract some unwanted attention from angry dragons trying to avenge his mate...


**Flying Dragon Brown & golden Leather Dice Cup(圖三)**


EAN: 5907699493340

Material Leather

Height ~8.5 cm / ~3.34 inches

Diameter ~5.5 cm / ~2.16 inches

Primary color Brown 棕色

Secondary color Golden 金色

Product description

This cup has been hand-crafted from the thick hide of a brown dragon. 

The creatures‘ natural resistance to magic carries to the item, so magic practitioners are sure to find many uses for it. 

Just bear in mind, that you may attract some unwanted attention from angry dragons trying to avenge his mate...


Dragon Black Leather Dice Cup(圖四)


EAN: 5907699490721

Material Leather

Height ~8.5 cm / ~3.34 inches

Diameter ~5.5 cm / ~2.16 inches

Primary color Black 黑色

Secondary color Silver 銀色

Product description

This cup has been hand-crafted from the thick hide of a black dragon. 

The creatures‘ natural resistance to magic carries to the item, so magic practitioners are sure to find many uses for it. Just bear in mind, that you may attract some unwanted attention from angry dragons trying to avenge his mate...


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